關於 Himalaya
探索自然 豐富生活
Himalaya 自1930年成立以來, 致力研發揉合天然草本資源及現代科技的個人護理產品。Himalaya產品採用100%活性天然成份, 透過尖端科技將大自然的護膚力量注入產品當中。
我們相信所有人都應該可以獲得良好的健康。我們承諾實踐天然為本, 科學為證的品牌理念, 提供高品質的天然草本護理產品。
時至今日, Himalaya的產品已行銷超過80個國家。
誠如最初品牌核心理念, Himalaya不斷開發天然、創新的產品, 把健康、自然的產品融入生活當中。
About Himalaya
Himalaya Herbals is a range of 100% natural and safe products with rare herbs collected from the foothills of the Himalayas. Each product combines the best of Ayurveda with years of dedicated research. Batch to batch performance and complete purity and safety are assured through the application of advanced pharmaceutical technology at every stage of manufacture. So go ahead and give us a try!
We guarantee that you will be pleased.
Complete Care Toothpaste Simply Peppermint (150g)
This fluoride-free natural toothpaste reduces plaque and removes surface stains.
Freshens breath with the power of neem and pomegranate, and leaves teeth ‘dentist clean’. The bracing taste of fresh peppermint leaves breath with long-lasting freshness.
不含氟化物 , 有效防治牙菌滋生及深入牙縫潔淨口腔 。
淡淡的新鮮薄荷香氣, 讓口腔長效保持清新潔淨感。
Whitening Complete Care Toothpaste Simply Mint (150g)
A fluoride-free natural toothpaste that reduces plaque and removes surface stains.
Contains no carrageenan, fluoride, SLS or harsh abrasives, yet tastes and foams wonderfully. Freshens breath with the power of neem and pomegranate and leaves teeth ‘ dentist clean’. Clean ingredients help Support healthy-looking gums.And this powerful combination contains pineapple and papaya enzymes to whiten teeth.
美白全效薄荷植物牙膏有效防治牙菌滋生及抵禦頑固牙漬。採用天然草本成份印度苦楝和石榴萃取精華為口腔帶來清新口氣, 不含氟化物及SLS起泡劑等化學成份。
特別注入菠蘿酵素和木瓜酵素, 高效美白牙齒, 締造燦爛自信的亮白笑容。
Himalaya Herbals Dental Cream (100g)
Dental Cream is a refreshing herbal toothpaste for overall dental care. It is enriched with Neem that fights germs and bad breath, Miswak which prevents gum bleeding, Pomegranate, known for its astringent properties which keep gums healthy.
全效呵護草本牙膏 (100g)
全效呵護草本牙膏使用天然草本配方, 全效護理敏感牙齒, 為口腔帶來清爽潔淨新體驗 。
印度苦楝和石榴萃取精華有效防禦口腔細菌丶保護牙齦及預防口氣形成, 全天侯護理口腔健康。
Purify Neem & Turmeric Body Bar (125g)
Traditionally known for their purifying properties, neem
And turmeric lathers up to reawaken and purify skin, and
Keeps it healthy every day. Our bar blends six organic ingredients: Coconut oil, Cacao seed butter, olive oil, castor oil, neem and turmeric that will leave you with a sigh of contentment long after your shower is over.
苦楝薑黃護膚皂 (125g)
印度苦楝和薑黃以淨化肌膚的功效見稱, 瞬間舒緩
乾燥繃緊的肌膚, 肌膚得到深層修護。
苦楝薑黃護膚皂特別注入六種有機草本護膚成分, 包括: 椰子油丶可可籽油丶橄欖油丶蓖麻油丶印度苦楝和薑黃。 每天使用, 讓肌膚時刻感覺清爽丶細嫩柔滑。
Refreshing Lavender & Rosemary Body Bar (125g)
This handcrafted combination uses pure herbs with saponified essential oils as a naturing soap-free base.
Contains lavender oil to relax and calm skin, and rosemary oil to awaken senses. This moisturising cleaning bar has a beautiful, fresh scent and provides skin-balancing comfort day and night. It leaves your skin feeling rejuvenated without the dryness.
薰衣草迷迭香植物護膚皂 (125g)
薰衣草迷迭香植物護膚皂以人手製作, 並蘊含多種天然草本萃取精華和香薰精油,深層滋潤肌膚。
薰衣草精油的香氣濃郁, 有效鎮靜肌膚丶放鬆情緒和幫助睡眠 。 迷迭香精油能喚醒肌膚活力, 而且氣味清新怡人, 為肌膚全日帶來滋潤和舒適的感覺。
The above 5 Himalaya items are available in selected Manning’s stores.